Hero Rescues Dog After Leash Is Stuck In Elevator Doors


A quick-acting Houston man saved a small dog from what could have been a horrific accident with a dog and an elevator

Video of the incident shows Johnny Mathis exiting the elevator, while a woman with a Pomeranian dog on a leash enters. The doors quickly shut before the dog is able to get onto the elevator.

Mr. Mathis notices the dog left behind while still attached to the leash — and quickly grabs the dog to try and remove it. He said someone was already on the elevator going up to the sixth floor before he got off, so he knew he had to act quick or else the dog would be in trouble.

As soon as the door shut Mathis said he could hear the dog’s owner screaming. The end of the video shows Mathis successfully rescuing the dog from its leash and waiting at the elevator for its owner to return.


Susan Saunders 12/13/19

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