Friends: The One Where They Reunited, HBO Max Releases Reunion Special Trailer [VIDEO]

Friends Reunion Special
Photo/YouTube Friends Reunion Special

Grab the kleenex because we are all about to cry all the tears, happy and sad…the Friends Reunion Trailer is finally HERE!

They should call this: “The One Where They All Reunited” or “The One Where I cried The Whole Time.”

I don’t even know what to say anymore because I haven’t been this excited about anything in a REALLY long time. Blame it on COVID, or my 40’s, but yes, I have been looking forward to the Friends reunion special more than just about anything in life.

With the special releasing on HBO Max May 27th, we finally have the MUCH anticipated official trailer.

And here is an exclusive with People Tv.

Now, who wants to get together for a watch party?
